In this demo of Vortex for Vega Prime, you can see how you can use the Vortex Editor 5.1 for verification, validation, and prototyping of a high-fidelity physics-based ground vehicle. The Vortex Editor allows you to make the changes directly in the graphical user interface without coding. The vehicle created is then exported as an ACF, which is the native configuration Presagis Vega Prime file. After this editing phase, the ACF file is used to parameterize a real-time Vega Prime powered visualization application. It is then your turn to participate in the demo by taking a vehicle on a test drive using the connected controllers. During this interactive demo, you will appreciate the quality and fidelity of the Vortex simulation engine coupled with the robust and real-time Vega Prime visualization application. This new workflow allows Vortex simulated entities to be loaded and parameterized inside of Vega Prime.