When crane accidents occur, fatalities, injuries, and property damage take center stage.
Shortly after come questions of whether owners and users met their responsibilities for training and adhering to safety standards.
For crane operators, proven safety and risk management practices are a clear path to mitigating the potential for accidents.
Training and Certification
Operator training is a critical component of improving safety and limiting liability for all heavy equipment users, especially cranes, noted Christa Fairchild, product marketing manager, CM Labs Simulations. “Training works best when it is engaging and relates to the operator’s work situation,”she added. “It’s not enough to be technically proficient; an operator needs to be prepared for real world unpredictability.”
Read the full media covering Operator Comfort Critical, Open-Cab AC Alternative, Training and Certification, Simulation’s Role in Certification and Qualification vs Certification, on Crane Hot Line’s Digital Magazine August 2023 Edition, P16-18.