
Progressives Trainingsprogramm für sicheres Bewegen und Heben, effizientes Arbeiten und umfassendes Bewusstsein für die Baustelle.



Das Teleskoplader-Simulator Trainingspaket von CM Labs bietet eine komplette Lernlösung für den Betrieb, vom Vertrautmachen mit der Steuerung bis hin zu anspruchsvollen Hubfällen am Boden und in der Höhe. Bediener lernen sichere und effiziente Techniken, mit denen sie ihre Fähigkeiten, ihre Kreativität und ihr Urteilsvermögen wie auf einer realen Baustelle einsetzen können.

Telehandler Simulator Training Pack - Basic Controls

Training pack features

Telehandler Simulator Training Pack - Driving exercise


The Telehandler Simulator Training Pack is the only solution that accurately replicates machine stability and behaviors, providing operators with the cues they need to reduce the likelihood of accidents due to tipping or collisions. With challenging load management training scenarios, operators can improve their steering skills, cycle times, and overall fuel efficiency, leading to improved telehandler operations and reduced training costs.

Telehandler Simulator Training Pack - Driving

Learning Outcomes

The comprehensive training pack features progressive learning exercises—from beginner to advanced—designed to gradually build student skill and confidence. These include: 

Performance Metrics

Take your telehandler training simulator to the next level with Intellia Instructor. Designed to empower organizations to scale their training, Intellia Instructor includes sophisticated report generation, customizable learning paths, live faults and weather challenges, and streamlined administrative functions. Uncoupled and untethered from a teaching station, instructors can support multiple trainees in real time via tablet while closely monitoring each individual’s performance.

Telehandler Simulator Training Pack - Equipment Close Up

Simulated Equipment Specs:

Telescopic handler boom capacity: 4,000 kg / 4.4 USt

Attachments: Fork & bucket

Engine power at 2,200 rpm: 55 kW

Maximum speed: 29 km/h / 18mph

Total mass: 10,880 kg / 12 USt

Transmission: 4-speed, 4×4 AWD

Attachments Included

Sometimes operators need special attachments to get the job done. The training pack has two additional attachments and a live attachment change exercise with a quick coupler. This rounds out training on the safe use of attachments and ensures operators can work independently with real equipment. The included attachments are:

Compatible Hardware:

Required controls:

Steering wheel & pedals.

Telehandler Simulator Training Pack - Basic Controls

Authentic Machine and Material Simulation

The Intellia Telehandler Simulator Training Pack incorporates authentic engineering-grade machine and material behavior. This includes:

These authentic machine behaviors, combined with detailed earth and assets/material simulation, will help trainees improve cycle times, lifting skills, and load positioning skills. The simulation replicates true engine sounds (including fails and stalls), variable engine rpms, horns, fork scraping and shifting, alarms and other jobsite sounds that are important audio cues for safe operation. As a result, the training pack delivers the most transferable operator skills anywhere, outside of the real equipment.

Telehandler Simulator Training Pack - Driving exercise


The Telehandler Simulator Training Pack is the only solution that accurately replicates machine stability and behaviors, providing operators with the cues they need to reduce the likelihood of accidents due to tipping or collisions. With challenging load management training scenarios, operators can improve their steering skills, cycle times, and overall fuel efficiency, leading to improved telehandler operations and reduced training costs.

Telehandler Simulator Training Pack - Driving

Learning Outcomes

The comprehensive training pack features progressive learning exercises—from beginner to advanced—designed to gradually build student skill and confidence. These include: 

Performance Metrics

Take your telehandler training simulator to the next level with Intellia Instructor. Designed to empower organizations to scale their training, Intellia Instructor includes sophisticated report generation, customizable learning paths, live faults and weather challenges, and streamlined administrative functions. Uncoupled and untethered from a teaching station, instructors can support multiple trainees in real time via tablet while closely monitoring each individual’s performance.

Telehandler Simulator Training Pack - Equipment Close Up

Simulated Equipment Specs:

Telescopic handler boom capacity: 4,000 kg / 4.4 USt

Attachments: Fork & bucket

Engine power at 2,200 rpm: 55 kW

Maximum speed: 29 km/h / 18mph

Total mass: 10,880 kg / 12 USt

Transmission: 4-speed, 4×4 AWD

Attachments Included

Sometimes operators need special attachments to get the job done. The training pack has two additional attachments and a live attachment change exercise with a quick coupler. This rounds out training on the safe use of attachments and ensures operators can work independently with real equipment. The included attachments are:

Compatible Hardware:

Required controls:

Steering wheel & pedals.

Smart Training Technology™
Telehandler Simulator Training Pack - Basic Controls

Authentic Machine and Material Simulation

The Intellia Telehandler Simulator Training Pack incorporates authentic engineering-grade machine and material behavior. This includes:

These authentic machine behaviors, combined with detailed earth and assets/material simulation, will help trainees improve cycle times, lifting skills, and load positioning skills. The simulation replicates true engine sounds (including fails and stalls), variable engine rpms, horns, fork scraping and shifting, alarms and other jobsite sounds that are important audio cues for safe operation. As a result, the training pack delivers the most transferable operator skills anywhere, outside of the real equipment.

Werkzeuge & Support

Instructor Operating Station - Trainer and Trainee


Mit Ausbilder-Bedienstation von CM Labs überwachen, bewerten und heraufordern Sie den Auszubildenden von Ihrem Sitzplatz aus.

SImGuide Service-CM-Labs-

CM Labs’ SimGuide Service

Vereinfachen Sie die Integration Ihres neuen Simulators mit Anleitungen zum Einrichten, Implementierung und mehr.

Signaler station

Der Signalpersonstrainingsstation

Trainieren Sie als Team mit der weltweit einzigen simulationsbasierten Signalpersonstrainingslösung.

Mobile Training Center - Trailer Cutout

Containerisierter Simulator

Bringen Sie das Training zu Ihren Fahrern, mit den container-basierte Trainingslösungen von CM Labs.


Ausstattung Trainingspakete

Unsere Trainingspakete enthalten selbstführende, progressive Lernprogramme und erstklassige Simulationen, von Kränen bis zu Baggern.

Mit den bei jedem Schritt erfassten Bedienerkennzahlen bieten sie das umfassendste auf dem Markt erhältliche Simulatortraining.

Jetzt anfangen

Besuchen Sie unseren Abschnitt „Ressourcen“

Besuchen Sie unseren Abschnitt „Ressourcen“ für Videos, Fallstudien, Whitepaper und Webinar-Aufzeichnungen. Beginnen Sie jetzt mit dem Lernen.

CM Labs' Ebook Series - Your complete guide to construction equipment training simulators

