
CM Labs’ New Attachment Module Enables Tiltrotator and Grapple Simulation Training

CM Labs Simulations has released two add-on modules – the grapple attachment and 360-degree tiltrotator bucket attachment modules for the Excavator Simulator Training Pack. 

The add-on modules help train operators on attachments that they might not have as much experience with in a simulator setting. Tiltrotators are growing in popularity in North America and, as they grow, more and more operators will need to learn how to utilize the attachment.

The two modules are designed to build skill and confidence when using specialized excavator attachments and techniques. Using the tiltoratator module, operators learn to make a V-ditch, using a tiltrotator bucket, dipper stick, and boom controls to remove thin layers of material. Trainees practice precise maneuvering, grapple control, object sorting, and operation efficiency using the grapple module.

Read the full article on Heavy Equipment Guide’s website.

Tracked Excavator Simulator Training Pack with Tiltrotator Attachment
The tiltrotator add-on module is designed to help build skill and confidence when using specialized excavator techniques.