
Be Savvy – Make the Most of Your Sandbox Exercises

You may have noticed the last exercise, called Sandbox, in your training pack. What is it and why is it important?

A Sandbox exercise is a free-form section of the training pack that immerses trainees in an open environment without explicit objectives to accomplish. Operators must use their own judgment to solve operating challenges. By never getting locked into scenarios with easy wins, trainees can accomplish all challenges using multiple possible solutions. Operators learn to find proactive resolutions in the virtual worksite, translating to real-world critical thinking skills. The result – more effective training.

The sandbox is different for each of our simulated equipment. Challenges include a blend of problem solving that combines all previously learned techniques. There is no special order to complete tasks. Operators can practice specific skills alone, or the instructor can assign tasks for each operator.

IUOE Local 150, training facility
IUOE Local 150, training facility

The trainee can work, at their own pace, on manual dexterity (muscle memory), spatial awareness, problem solving, critical thinking, and safety. As example with our Excavator Simulation Training Pack, the yard includes different practice areas where operators can improve:

  • Digging: Carefully remove material from around a manhole and expose an embedded pipe.
  • Equipment control and accuracy: Use the bucket to move a concrete ball through a slalom course.
  • Manual dexterity: Lift and pile tires on top of one another.
  • Driving skills: Move the excavator onto and off a detached lowboy, attached lowboy, flatbed, and drop deck.

So be sure to take advantage of Sandbox to make the most of the simulator training experience – making your team safer and more effective on the job site.